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Strip Poker / Bikini Poker - Help


Strip Poker / Bikini Poker plays poker at a very high level!

With the exception of winning real money poker players, everyone else is going to have a hard time

winning against Strip Poker / Bikini Poker in the long run. Especially for casual and play money

players it will be very difficult to win.

Strip Poker / Bikini Poker uses PokerAlfie's Poker AI Level 1: Poker AI v4.0 Level 2: Poker AI v3.1 Level 3: Poker AI v5.2 Level 4: Poker AI v5.2 Level 5: Poker AI v5.2

Weak spots in Strip Poker's / Bikini Poker‘s play

Despite strong play, Strip Poker / Bikini Poker has weaknesses that can be exploited - especially by

experienced real money poker players. The following comments can help to understand the weak

spots in Strip Poker's / Bikini Poker‘s play and help you to improve your game against AI Girls.

Rickroll – the experienced real money poker player played 5000+ hands against PokerAlfie v2.3 and won by 14/100bb

Some of Rickroll's comments on playing PokerAlfie on the 2+2 forums:


“… Also, if Alfie 3bets you and hits top pair, they are going to get it all in by the river, making it very

easy to bust with hit draws, overpairs and sets …”

“… i think main problem is it's too nitty, doesn't defend enough and then if it sees a flop will gii with

just top pair or even A high, it's highly exploitable …”

“… alfie is way too tight and the entire 5k sample only went 3 handed to a flop, would find alfie

sometimes deviate heavily from the nit profile and 3bet you with something like K8 but then alfie bots

would usually check fold a lot of flops, alfie didn't bluff enough and would often check down value

hands so it felt like i could have played atc so long as i had position because i usually had some

options to check down and improve or steal it …”

“… The AI is way too nitty when other players enter the pot. Nearly every pot was heads up. Very few

went 3 ways to flop and I genuinely don't think we ever had more than 3 people to a flop and one of

them would be sure to fold out right away. …”

“… There are just so many real world situations where AhKh, JJ, & 99 all find themselves seeing a

flop together. Then on the flop it is Jh9x3h and now all three players going to want to continue to see

a turn. These situations literally never happened. So I often wondered if it was just a fluke sample or

the logic of the software made really strong hands fold out if it were multi way. …”

“… it’s too exploitable once the human notices and they will notice it soon after realizing they never

go multi way and when they they immediately fold to the smallest bet unless holding the nuts. …”

“… 1. ai still folds way too often preflop and becomes incredibly nitty …”

“… 2 ai doesn't adjust - once the player realizes how tight they are playing it's very easy to deviate

and the cpu won't change course and respond - ie the AI should 100% adapt their calling/raising

range based on how the human plays …”

“… players are also doing weird things like opening for 3bb with 3bb left then folding to a raise preflop


How strong is Poker AI v5.0? Here are some comments from some

advanced/skilled users:

1. User:

I've played 1111 hands so far (spread over 10 tournaments with 2 of them being wins and these are

my initial impressions:

• I agree with you that v5 seems a lot more balanced, especially compared to v4, which I thought was

too aggressive. In v4, the strategy that seemed to work best was to rarely or never bluff (fold to most

aggression if you have nothing) but then when you have stuff, you can be passive and let them bet

into you to make the pot large. At the end you can bet large or raise and they'll often call. With v5, I

found that I needed to bluff to win, since it often (correctly) folded when I bet a good hand (and I

couldn't rely on their aggression to build the pot).

• So far, I think v5 is more fun to play against. When I played against v3 and v4, my play style was

somewhat formulaic, but with v5 I have to put effort into thinking about whether I'm making a good

bluff. Maybe if I play several thousand more hands I'll start to find more robotic patterns like I did for

v3 and v4.

• There are still some strange issues with calling patterns

2. User:

Played 5k hands and won at 6bb/100, started losing big until I found it's weaknesses.

It will make crazy calls against overbets on the river x3 or x4, a lot of them on paired boards with

things like K high on a board where plenty of hands were possible. So easy to get a lot of value from

your strong hands.

If you found a way to fix that, it would be amazing and harder to beat.

March 23, 2024: v5.2 improves the calling issue on the river !!!


Always show the left card of all opponents

With this Switch you can set to always show the left card of all opponents during the game. This

allows you to analyze the opponent's play and see through the opponent's tactics. This feature is not

for free.

Always show the right-side card of all opponents

With this Switch you can set to always show the right-side card of all opponents during the game.

This allows you to analyze the opponent's play and see through the opponent's tactics. This feature is

not for free.

Slide Show without the curtain

With this Switch you can always show the whole image of girls and without the curtain - regardless

how big is girl’s stack. This feature is not for free.

Information about each player:

Bottom-left is information about playing position in current hand:

UTG - Under The Gun (preflop: first to act player)

MP - Middle Position

CO – Cutoff

D - Dealer/Button

SB - Small Blind

BB - Big Blind

On the right side is the following information:

- Player's Name

- Money left for use in the game

- Win or loss for entire game

- Player's last action

After the 10th hand of a playing session: if you are the 1st, the 2nd or the 3rd best player, app shows

a medal on the right side of your name.

Functions in Game

Switch between face image and body image for all girls

Switching to body image, depending on the girl stack, part of the girl will be covered with a curtain.

Opens Slide Show

In the Slide Show the girl’s body images are shown in full size, but depending on the girl's stack, a

part of the girl will still be covered with a curtain. it can also be used outside of the game - app saves

the last score.


This feature allows you to see what the AI would play in your position. It also displays the AI's

estimation of your odds at showdown and also displays your hand's ranking odds at showdown. It

can be used once per day for free, otherwise there is a charge for unlimited use.


This feature shows the hands history of the hands played. This allows you to analyze your moves or

those of your opponents and, more importantly, see opponents' cards after each completed hand. It

can be used once per day for free, otherwise there is a charge for unlimited use.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Strip Poker